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Durational performance

Dimensions variable



Like all helplines, pigeons were used to connect people and deliver messages. Pigeons even carried important messages during the early wars. For this helpline, there are no receivers, only pigeons here to digest participators’ words. I set up an online submission doc, this is for the people who need a place to release their negative emotions. I then transfer those words to a piece of bread and feed that to the pigeons at the park. I examine the reciprocity behaviour between city animals and humans. 

The feeding behaviour of pigeons and watching them eat reminds me of Mukbang, the genre of videos in which the hosts munch away at huge portions of food to please their followers. By watching that, audiences can find human connection or satisfaction. Those videos are based on human fundamental needs, eating and socialising. I want to relate the behaviour of feeding pigeons with the necessary needs of humans and to further discuss the interaction of city animals in human society. 

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